Well what can I say....except thanx Barb.....I have received so many lovely awards and must apologize to the sweet blogger buddies who have passed awards that I have not had time to share....hope I can make amends when school is out on the 21st.....yay!!!! I swore I would not allow that to happen again so here is a wonderful award passed to me by our sweet craftygirly.....hope you will pay her a visit...she is so very talented and just the bestest bloggy bud!!! For this award I must talk about where I see myself 10 years from now and pass along to 10 other bloggers....so here goes....a little quote I like....I know it's a bit ironic for a scrappy little me...but I love the truth of it....so while I scrap my memories I try not to get bogged down in the past and focus on the future...so this is a wonderful award....
"I know why God put our faces on the front and not the back....because he wants us to look where we are going and not focus on where we have been."....touched by an angel....
Ten years from now.....I would love to have all unresolved issues with my son's in the past....I see myself being a fantastic gramma....very possible as my oldest son is 20 and youngest 14.....spending time with all of them and building more wonderful memories.....I hope to find myself settled.... emotionally, spiritually, financially and physically. I would love to be remarried to a true soul mate looking forward to many new and fun experiences together. I love to travel and hope to be able to do even more....I am sure I will still be a scrappy little blogger binding the friendships I have now and creating new ones.....
with that said I am passing this to SOUS....I love my sistas I'm not counting them in my 10....love to make up my own rules....LOL
I am passing to some faithful followers and some new followers....I want to pass it to all of you...but the fun thing is...we are such a small blogging world....I know you will all get it in time....as far as I'm concerned...we are all going places baby~~